An Energy Cleansing is used to cleanse the body, mind and soul of negativity.
There are many types of Energy Cleansing, we follow the Mexican Folk Healing tradition of Curanderismo. We would like to acknowledge the teachers who guided us in this tradition and whose spirits are always present, Rita Navarrete and Laurencio López Núñez.
A Curandera views life as a whole; mind-body-spirit. The three connected is what creates life and you cannot heal one without concern for the other. All physical, mental, and spiritual illnesses are an imbalance of the mind-body-spirit.
In this tradition the practitioner approaches healing by calling on ancestral spirits and utilising ritual, prayer, herbs, flowers, eggs, candles, incense, drums, rattles, temazcal (traditional sweat lodges) and more.
A cleansing can include some or all of the above, it depends on the practitioner and on the participant's situation.
Benefits of an Energy Cleansing include removal of:
Heavy or dark energy
Sadness and grief
Bad luck
Space clearing, and
Energetic imbalances
A healing can also help with:
Gaining clarity
Stimulating the flow of energy, and
Relief from addictions, anxiety and fears.